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daydreaming and i’m thinking of…

5 Aug

Trip the light fanstastic with me for a while, will you? Let’s be silly and daydream.

Picture It, Some Time from Now, Somewhere: yours truly’s first novel and memoirs have simultaneously landed on the New York Times Bestsellers List, Fiction and Nonfiction, respectively, and have landed quite well. What will happen next? Cue dream music…

He will conduct my first interview.

He will conduct my first interview.

I will wear this.

I will wear this.

He will want the rights to the novel.

He will want the rights to the novel.

He will want the rights to the novel.

He will want the rights to the novel.

He will want the rights to the novel.

He will want the rights to the novel.

Dinner with her twice a week.

Dinner with her twice a week.

I'll live here.

I’ll live here.

And here.

And here.

That marvelous lady on the left, she who birthed me and stopped herself from leaving me somewhere when I was a teenager, will finally get her HGTV home.

That marvelous lady on the left, she who birthed me and stopped herself from leaving me somewhere when I was a teenager, will finally get her HGTV home.

En Vacances

16 Dec

Oh, how I use and love the two words I learned after 6 years of French classes. Le woo hoo. Anyway, en vacances means on vacation, which has nothing to do with my present circumstances. It is a wish. I would love to be somewhere else right now; somewhere Caribbean, warm, lovely.

Interestingly enough, I never longed for the Caribbino in the past. I was (still am, mostly) a European girl; longing for France and Italy and Spain. It’s only of late, maybe within the past year or two, when I realized that I wanted to see white sands. Yes. And to look into an ocean with a clear bottom, likely a nice deterrent to my lifelong fear of water. And parrots and flattering swimsuits and on and on. We’ll see–I hope to satisfy this new wish sometime next year, which is next month, which is slightly disconcerting (time? fast.). Again, we’ll see. The work day is ending.

Au revoir.



Sincerely, Taj

Dear World, I have stuff to say, so get cozy. Here, I've got cupcakes.

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