Archive | April, 2009

My Dearest Kitten,

15 Apr

It’s been so long. I’ve missed you. Well, let’s be honest: I haven’t thought about you at all. But lest you think this is some kind of breakup letter, it’s not. Forgive my absence, dearest. This is an apology.

Times are tough. I’ve become an office nomad, wandering about here and there on temp assignments, trapped within the long journey of looking for a permanent job. Sadly, times like these simply don’t allow for thoughts of my darling Kitten Heel Marvel.

I won’t make promises of regularity or constant attention. When I’m here, you will be the apple of my eye. When I’m not, well, you won’t. I don’t mean to be cold, but my anger and frustration with said jobless journey is out of this world. It’s just out of this world. But, this is life right now for many people, myself included.

Until we meet again.



Sincerely, Taj

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