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I’ll Eat them Up, I Love Them So…Terrific Music Tuesday!

15 Mar

On this first official Terrific Music Tuesday, here are some songs/artists I can’t get enough of, some current, one a bit older…

Rocketeer, Far East Movement. This song is so enthralling and catchy. I don’t know if has to do with Ryan Tedder’s vocals or the crazy beat or the idea of flying away and getting away from it all…or my enduring love for a certain movie with the same title, but I officially can’t enough of it.

Paris Nights/New York Mornings, Corinne Bailey Rae. My love for Ms. Bailey Rae knows no bounds. Beginning with her first album, I was officially a fan. But this song—this insanely wonderful song—from her second album, The Sea (2010), took me somewhere. Maybe it’s the whole je t’aime Paris thing. Maybe it’s the whole I heart New York thing. Maybe it envisioning myself and whoever slays my little cynical heart on the Rue Voltaire, as the song says. Whatever it is, I have it on daily play on the iPod. And picturing myself on the Rue Voltaire while shuttling through subway tunnels during my morning/afternoon commute is hardly bad, right?

The Adele Trifecta, 21. There are three songs I keep in constant rotation on Adele’s amazing, amazing new album. Turning Tables is lyrical caramel. “Next time, I’ll be braver, I’ll be my own savior…” Yeah. He Won’t Go is a rhythmic, equally lyrical chocolate pie. Listen for yourself. One and Only is cake. Pure cake. There’s a middle part of that song when Adele moves away from the melody and sings this crazy refrain, “I know it ain’t easy, givin’ up your heart…nobody’s perfect, trust me, I’ve earned it…” as the music swells up behind her. It’s so moving, so, so…Again and again, pure cake.

Pretty Girl Rock, Keri Hilson. Not a huge fan of Ms. Hilson, never got into her, but this song is a must for any kind of “Yes, I’m awesome” girl/woman/lady affirmations. The video is pretty cool, as well. And I usually replace “my name is Keri, I’m so very” with my personal name, which I love to do.

This ends TMT…I would post more, but I don’t think my fingers can handle a million of my favorite songs…

Gonna Make Your Head Burn.

3 Jan

It’s a lyric from this amazing song, written by this indescribably talented young lady.

This is how I choose to officially start 2011. With fine music.



Sincerely, Taj

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