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seriously, what in the world does Kitten Heel Marvel mean?

3 Aug

Marvel at the kitten heels, why don’t you?

We’ve talked before about the genesis of Kitten Heel Marvel. In short, this blog was formerly titled “So I Don’t Forget,” in reference to reminding myself not to forget my love of writing. After experiencing a really weird and long strain of writer’s block, a former co-worker suggested that I blog in an attempt to keep my creative brain stimulated. I took her advice, and “So I Don’t Forget” was born. However, I wanted something more eye-catching, more interesting to call my little JournaBlog. Enter kitten heels. Literally, inspiration came by way of shoe.I bought a pair of kitten heels at the store one day and marveled at the combination of comfort and dressiness they provided me. (Late bloomer, ok? Just…late bloomer.) Yes, I really did marvel at a pair of shoes. But I started reflecting that life itself is a marvel. To be human is a marvel. Writing, thoughts, family, work…all part of the marvelous human experience, my human experience. Enter Kitten Heel Marvel.Well, this morning, I read “Ten Steps to Better Blogging” from WordPress. The “Get Focused” feature caught my eye, and it was an interesting read. Essentially, a particular thought stood out to me from the article:

Even if you’ve been blogging regularly for years, this is a good opportunity to revisit and refine your site’s focus. 

I went all existential on Kitten Heel Marvel. What is the true focus of this site? What does it all mean? Can my life, writing, and experiences fit into a neat one or two-word format, like Travel or Pop Culture? After all, when I started my other blog baby, The Lonely Passport, it was done with a specific goal in mind: discuss my adventures, love, and plans for all-things travel and only travel. And you know what? Early on, I enjoyed posting on The Lonely Passport more than I did for Kitten Heel Marvel. (If these two things were children, I would so be on the Maury Show for the “Giiiirrrl, you Playin’ Favorites!” episode.) The Passport felt more streamlined, neater, interesting. Perhaps it was because I could take a less personal (read: less revealing about yours truly) approach to the Passport, whereas Kitten Heel Marvel is purely about me, even if I do tend to hold back for reasons I’ve mentioned before. (Still working on that.) Or, perhaps I considered the Passport as having more of a structure, and sometimes I looked at the Marvel as more of a free-for-all. In a battle of specificity and generality, I would almost always choose the former, and I think, in the beginning, the Passport represented that to me. These days, though, I love all my children equally, which is largely evidenced by my equally irregular posting for both blogs. All about equality, I am.

But remember: I went all existential on the Marvel. And I had to ask the following big question: is it the name of this blog that has me thinking about its true focus? Do name, content, and focus go hand in hand? There are countless of blogs that I enjoy visiting.  And you know what? Most of them have blog names that uniquely express the content you’re about to find. Even The Lonely Passport gives you a huge clue that it’s travel-related. So what is Kitten Heel Marvel saying? Fashion blog? Shoe blog? Marvel comics? Or does it all even matter?

I call this forum my little JournaBlog because it is precisely that to me: a journal. I journal about my life, my thoughts, my writing, all things uniquely related to me that I would like to share. But if we want to categorize Kitten Heel Marvel, I would call it a lifestyle blog, for sure. All aspects of my life, posted for your reading pleasure, if you so choose to read. And perhaps that is the focus: all things uniquely related to me. It may not be a one or two-word description about the format, but there it is…

However, and to be super honest, I’m wondering about this name. Because in all written work, there’s nothing like a good title…

Tell me: what kind of thought did you put into the name of your blogs, if you blog? Do you think a good name inherently goes with the interest readers will have in your blog? Did the name inspire the focus/content, or was it the other way around? Does it even matter? And lastly, because I’m all about questions, obviously, should I think about retiring Kitten Heel Marvel as a name?

The Sum of All Things. (yes, you are a marvel)

29 Mar
“Each second we live is a new and unique moment of the universe, a moment that will never be again. And what do we teach our children? We teach them that two and two make four, and that Paris is the capital of France. When will we also teach them what they are? We should say to each of them: Do you know what you are? You are a marvel. You are unique. In all the years that have passed, there has never been another child like you. Your legs, your arms, your clever fingers, the way you move. You may become a Shakespeare, a Michelangelo, a Beethoven. You have the capacity for anything. Yes, you are a marvel. And when you grow up, can you then harm another who is, like you, a marvel? You must work, we must all work, to make the world worthy of its children.”     
Pablo Picasso

The Day is Long, and the Day is New.

15 Dec

Well, this may not mean anything to anyone other than yours truly, but things have changed.

Gone is the original title for this little JournaBlog. “So I Don’t Forget” was apt at the time; it was my intent to start writing and to keep writing when I ventured onto this thing (see first post ever), to remember this first and enduring love that I had for words. “So I Don’t Forget” has served me well. There are gaps here and there, but I’m writing. That deserves a woo hoo.

A few posts ago, I discussed the wonder of Kitten Heels. Cuteness and comfort in a tiny shoe–ah, the very wonder of it all. Wonder is an amazing thing, isn’t it? That feeling you get when something is cool and exciting and slightly mystifying all at the same time?

(Believe me, the idea that I’ve lived decades without realizing that Kitten Heels were made for Girleys with feet like mine, the kind with minds of their own, is beyond mystifying. I thought I was pretty well-informed about these types of things).

Welcome to Kitten Heel Marvel. The very wonder of it all. Life, interests, poetry and prose. In other words, same content, different title.




Sincerely, Taj

Dear World, I have stuff to say, so get cozy. Here, I've got cupcakes.

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