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because i’m blue #2.

11 Jun

Carole King on tap today. For me, this song pretty much causes a great deal of weeping while professing–with fists raised, no less–that this woman is one of the best singer/songwriters of all time. If you’re wondering, my blue is a bit less blue, due to the visit last night from a close, treasured friend. She certainly sweetly interrupted my plans to lay on the couch and watch NCIS.

I’m curious: what are your tried and true sad songs?

because i’m blue.

10 Jun

I’m down, you guys. Just a lot going on this little life of mine. Sigh.

What do you do when you’re blue? I play songs by my boyfriend and other sad song singers, all of which break my heart over and over again, because that’s how I medicate during times like these. I wallow. I cry. I lay placidly on the sofa and watch cheesy television.  That’s how it, the blue, comes out. And so, because I’m a sharer, this week of posts (yes, I plan on posting every day this week, because it’s not fair that I only did that for the sake of poetry, right?) will bring you clips of said sad songs. Nice to meet you, company–the name’s Misery. That’s the kind of gal I am.

First up, a little ditty by my boyfriend, one that quickly turns my eyes red. Oh, and guess what? Additional vocals are by Joni Mitchell, the Empress of Sad Songs. Enjoy. And sorry.





Another Lemon, Apparently

11 Apr

Several years ago, I purchased a car that quickly manifested itself as a lemon. It was horrible. Nevertheless, I have come to terms. It seems, though, that I have a problem with purchasing lemon-y items. From scrunchies to hair moisturizer, from *Blockbuster DVDs to food–I experience 95% of the lemon.

And now, it seems that the GPS I recently bought to save me from further unplanned trips down the Interstate? Is a lemon! A good friend informed me that it wasn’t a good brand. Unreal. Just unreal. Here’s to you, Massachusetts. Because I will likely end up there one day, in an attempt to visit the local grocery store.

In other news, the weekend promises to be both balmy and wintery. We’ve really reached a terrible point when the weather is diagnosed with bipolar disorder, haven’t we? Sad but true. Sandals on Saturday, coat/umbrella on Sunday. I love the Springtime.

(* Bye, bye, Blockbuster. I am now a happy member of Netflix. Woo hoo!)



Sincerely, Taj

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