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daydreaming and i’m thinking of…

5 Aug

Trip the light fanstastic with me for a while, will you? Let’s be silly and daydream.

Picture It, Some Time from Now, Somewhere: yours truly’s first novel and memoirs have simultaneously landed on the New York Times Bestsellers List, Fiction and Nonfiction, respectively, and have landed quite well. What will happen next? Cue dream music…

He will conduct my first interview.

He will conduct my first interview.

I will wear this.

I will wear this.

He will want the rights to the novel.

He will want the rights to the novel.

He will want the rights to the novel.

He will want the rights to the novel.

He will want the rights to the novel.

He will want the rights to the novel.

Dinner with her twice a week.

Dinner with her twice a week.

I'll live here.

I’ll live here.

And here.

And here.

That marvelous lady on the left, she who birthed me and stopped herself from leaving me somewhere when I was a teenager, will finally get her HGTV home.

That marvelous lady on the left, she who birthed me and stopped herself from leaving me somewhere when I was a teenager, will finally get her HGTV home.

And So it Begins.

8 Mar

They’ve unleashed Pandora’s box.

I will be on this website like crazy.


Needless to say, I’m trying to figure out how to get to London on April 29…

I’ll be the one with the sign that says: BEST REASON TO MISS WORK EVER.

‘Cheerio, for now.

A Foggy Day in Somewhere Town

10 Apr

Forget clouds. There is now FOG consuming the atmosphere. Fog. Fog! Needless to say, I’m on the verge of a scream. On the bright side (all sarcasm intended), perhaps this dreary, dank weather is preparing me for my middle-aged move to London, when I finally tire of this Yankee living. I have a feeling that the Brit accents and a blue-walled apartment in Notting Hill (along with a pair of red boots) will make things all better.


The weather quacks said something about the fog “burning off” and it becoming a partly cloudy day. In other words, we’re about to get hail. Because they never know what they’re talking about. Some of them, in between mindless, humorless banter, seem to even believe that they control the weather. “I may give you guys some sun today.” If that’s control, then we’re all really in trouble.

Fed Up with Fog.



Sincerely, Taj

Dear World, I have stuff to say, so get cozy. Here, I've got cupcakes.

Fully Awake and Alive

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