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I’ve Got Something Up my Sleeve!

20 Feb

I don’t want to say too much, but I have a project in mind. It’s really brewing. I have ideas and direction and all the good, pretty things one needs for a project. I don’t want to give too much away, however. Throughout the years, I’ve learned that talking about future things makes me too excited. Once the excitement has reached its boiling point and that future project has been hyped beond measure, everything completely collapses. Implosion, disaster, running for the hills, hiding the women and children, that sort of thing. To avoid that grim possibility, mum’s the word.

Nevertheless, yes, something has come into the brain, and it looks like this thing may see the light of day. Too early to woo hoo, though.

Ok. Woo hoo. A little. A little!



Sincerely, Taj

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