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How you Feeling? Hot, Hot, Hot.

6 Jun

It’s coming. The dreaded. The painful. The…perspiration. Summer is coming. Or, rather, it’s here. This weekend is expected to see temps in the MID-90s, with heat indices (love that word!) in the 100s.

I won’t make it.

Someone will find me collapsed in the street, my arms every which way but loose, my eyes directed toward the hazy heavens. I just know it. I need to busy myself with purchasing plenty of water and just pacing myself. I wish I could wear mesh in an attractive manner (certainly not the manner I wear it now, which is terrifying and kept within the confines of my merciful, private room). Sigh. Summer is here, I think. Way before the first official day of summer; right smack dab in the middle of spring, which punked us this year and lasted 2 days. Yikes. I might need to employ a professional fanner or something. Maybe the college kids are looking for work. Help.



Sincerely, Taj

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