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En Vacances…

24 Aug

My view at present.


Woo hoo!

Kitten Heel Marvel Goes to the Airport.

17 Aug

1. Panic. I’m going to miss my flight. I’m going to be late. I’m going to miss my flight. I’m going to be late. (Note that I typically arrive at the airport several hours before I fly, so this panic is just anxiety. Ah, anxiety. My closest friend.)

2. Suitcase. Why did I overpack? Am I going on safari? Why is this bag so heavy? Do I need another bag? How much will they charge me for this thing? Will I fall to my death trying to get this thing on an escalator? (This problem would be solved, time and time again, if I packed judiciously and not like an undisciplined hyena. What, you didn’t know most hyenas were disciplined?)

3. Bathroom. What if I have to go to the bathroom? Don’t they know I loathe hate public restrooms? But what if I have to go? (I go now. They’re mostly clean. And my bladder thanks me.)


Happy flying to me.

Friday Idyll.

16 Aug

I’m happy to report that this is my last day at work for the next two weeks. Two weeks. Why? I’m taking some much-needed time off, to visit the bestie and to head to the beach with another group of friends.

What I’ll miss about work for two weeks:

  1. Nothing

Happy Friday, youse guys!!

(I’ll still be posting, obviously, so as to not carelessly abandon my 31 Days of Posting Challenge/Plan, so you won’t get to miss me.)

I’ll also leave you with a song that embodies, to me, all things vacation, fun in the sun, enjoying time with friends, and John Stamos (he’s on the drums, for one thing, and he’s also my boyfriend).

I Was Leaving, On a Jet Plane

7 Jan

I traveled last week, which explains the absence of thoughts after last Wednesday. It was nice to visit some friends and get out of town for a bit. Plus, I was in my favorite place in this entire world: The Airport.

What is it about that place that intrigues me so? Perhaps it’s because I’m infinitely interested in people, period, and to have the opportunity to just sit there and watch them is pretty interesting. Or, perhaps because you have a million backgrounds and back stories in one terminal. It’s a bit surreal. I was able to sit and observe and do some writing, all of which made me quite content.

The downside to traveling? Coming back.



Sincerely, Taj

Dear World, I have stuff to say, so get cozy. Here, I've got cupcakes.

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