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a friendly reminder…

23 Aug


That face.

Those eyes.

That stare.

That talent.

Kitten Heel Marvel loves Paul Newman. In case you forgot.


10 Apr

The sun is shining. One weather quack got it right. Wow. Pretty interesting. I’m very happy about this. I’m very happy!! I’m still moving to London, though, because of the accents and the boots. And the whole blue wall plan for my apartment in Notting Hill. Anywho. Welcome back (for a bit, anyway), Mr. Sun.

In other news, I’ve joined the masses and plunked down some change for a GPS to place inside my vehicle. And there are very valid reasons for this particular purchase. Here come the bullets:

  • Just last week, I took the wrong turn off the highway and ended up on an unplanned trip toward Baltimore. BALTIMORE.
  • My penchant for getting lost seems to be growing. It’s out of control. These are places I’ve been to a million times. But, so it goes, I get creative and decide to take a parkway and not a highway, and I end up closing in on another state. It’s insane.
  • I’ve printed enough Yahoo and Google and Rand McNally maps to take down a considerable section of the rainforest. And those maps? Are never correct. (There’s always a U-turn in those directions. Why? Why?)
  • My poor mother is just like me. Or, I’m just like her. Actually, she may be worse. As a result, she and I will be sharing the thing.
  • Speaking of Moms, on the way to see a show one evening, we drove in circles while the performance center waited for us over a bridge we couldn’t find. To this day, I don’t understand how we were finally able to get to the show.
  • After a friend of mine had to bail me out of another jam (“where AM I?!??!”), I was calmly instructed to purchase a GPS. I obeyed.

Hopefully, it’ll work. Knowing me, though, we’ll see.

Welcome back, Mr. Sun!



Sincerely, Taj

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