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19 Aug

It’s a new layout, a new day. I decided to at least help brighten the day by changing the layout to my JournaBlog. You like?

(By “you”, I refer to the three people that happen upon this place. Thank you, three people.)

The pre-scream madness of yesterday still sits at the bottom of my chest, slumbering, waiting for the next opportunity to push me to dizzying heights of scream-dom. I certainly hope the opportunity doesn’t come, but who knows? Those crazy days we all tend to have come in either drips or waves. Yesterday was a typhoon, apparently. I think it’s that old restless feeling. It visits me every now and then. If anything, perhaps a good poem can come out of it. Perhaps. (I make no bones about it anymore: I am currently not writing a thing. I only hope to do so, but the delusions of completing something with a beginning/middle/ending/plotline have worn away. Life stinks sometimes, don’t it?)

Over and out, Idaho. I shall return at some point.



Sincerely, Taj

Dear World, I have stuff to say, so get cozy. Here, I've got cupcakes.

Fully Awake and Alive

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