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Leap Year (and Other Things I Don’t Get)

4 Feb

I still don’t get it. It’s been explained to me dozens and hundreds of times, but I still don’t get the whole leap year thing. Actually, I don’t understand why it even matters. And so, I’ll continue to remain in blissful, happy, devil-may-care ignorance.

I don’t get why the New England Patriots won every single game leading up to the Super Bowl and then proceeded to lose the Super Bowl. Huh? How do you dominate for 18 games and lose the Big One? (Admittedly, though, I did get tickled as I watched Tom Brady’s metamorphosis from Confidence to Complete Brat. Pretty funny and interesting). The fun part was that we all got together and ate a bunch of food and critcized everything. Good times.

I don’t get why Frederick, my plant, worries me so. You’d think he was my child or something. I keep staring at his leaves, making sure that’s he thriving, watering him. It’s like, it’s like I care. Me. The one who detests all forms of nature and inanimate life. What’s next? Greenpeace?

Just a few things I don’t get this week (and will never understand, as in the case of the mysterious Leap Year.)

In this week’s Inspirations and Favorites (look up to your right), I’ve decided to plug the sweet sounds of Ray LaMontagne. He’s this amazing artist, this hotspring of talent, armed with a raw, sensational voice and lyrics that blow this particular listener away. For the few eyes that look upon this JournaBlog, please click and listen. He’s completely awesome.

Onwards and Upwards…



Sincerely, Taj

Dear World, I have stuff to say, so get cozy. Here, I've got cupcakes.

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