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Ouch. :)

17 Aug

So, I returned to an old friend last night.

Many moons ago, as I discussed here on this here JournaBlog, I was addicted to Zumba, this crazy, energy-filled dance aerobics things that sweetly took over my life. It was fun and rewarding and I could see the benefits. Then, around last August, I kind of put it on the back burner for a while. My knees were killing me, for one thing, and to be quite honest, the high wore off. I decided to go back to good, old-fashioned walking as my preferred method of exercise.

However, after some deliberation and the necessity to throw some variety in my activities, I decided to go back to Zumba last night.

It was painful.

After the first few routines, I wanted to stop, pick up the water bottle, and go home. Nevertheless, despite pulling back on some of the subsequent routines, I stuck it out and thoroughly enjoyed it. It also helped that two good friends of mine were also there, suffering right alongside me.

This morning, as I descended down the stairs, I ouched the entire way down.

But I’m going back on Wednesday.




Sincerely, Taj

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