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The No Excuses Tour, 2010.

13 Jan

So…it’s an entirely new year. Yeah.

No excuses. (Even though I’ve been busy, I’ve been working, occupied, here, there and everywhere.) There are no excuses for single-handedly going against my vow to always write, even if it’s a sentence or two. I’ll try to do better.

I’m employed! Yay! Two months after my last update, I was hired at a new place in DC. It’s been an interesting, educating journey so far. I have no complaints, really. Alert the media, she can’t think of a thing to complain about. Nevertheless, having gone through the ups and downs of tempdom and no-job-dom, I can’t bring myself to issue a complaint. I am genuinely happy to be employed.

Creatively, I have published a book and I am writing poems like crazy.


She published a book?


“Raincoat for your Senses.” More on that later. Self-publishing is the way to go for now, for me. To see my work in book form almost caused a little collapse, but it was so joyful. But, yes, more on that later.

For now, good to be back.



Sincerely, Taj

Dear World, I have stuff to say, so get cozy. Here, I've got cupcakes.

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