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For a Rainy Day? Does Fried Chicken Count?

17 Sep

You know how parents tell you to save your money for a rainy day? What if you start to save your appetite for a rainy day? As in preparing your tummy to eat? Because that’s apparently what I’m doing. Last night, while I spoke on the telephone with my BFF, I told her of my intention to eat at Popeye’s for lunch. Of course, this wasn’t a normal, everyday remark. I spoke of it like a goal, a dream, a solid thing. Wow. So, thanks, Mom and Dad. I’ve finally figured out how to save! (Yes, I’ve misapplied the adage, probably in the worst way. But whatever. No one reads this silly thing, anyway.)

Speaking of this silly thing, I think it’s time for a phase-out. Please, no tears. I think when we reach 100 posts, I may have to say good-bye to the JournaBlog. I’m still thinking about it, though. Reasons? None so much. We’ll see. Still ruminatin’.

New artist of the week that I’m obsessed with: Justin Nozuka. Yikes. I love, I love. His songwriting is amazing; the voice is amazing; and his aunt is Kyra Sedgwick. Blah. But that means his uncle is Kevin Bacon! Yeah! Anyway, to judge him without the whole Bacon thing, his single is quite addictive. Maybe he and Adele can do some kind of tour or something? Adele? Justin? Are you out there?

My attempt at closing the books on something, as vaguely as possible: I have my answers. I acquired them in the worst kind of way. But it’s over now, and I’ll be all right. New promises are here, new convictions to keep myself from being burned by this particular fire. Over and out.

Back to Justin Nozuka.



Sincerely, Taj

Dear World, I have stuff to say, so get cozy. Here, I've got cupcakes.

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