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Easy Like Sunday Morning

8 Sep

This was Sunday.

Apparently, I watched too many Indiana Jones films in my youth and gained an itch for adventure. Because yesterday, along with a rag-tag group of other adventurers (namely, my Mama and my Pal), we went to NYC. For the day. Early in the morning, then back home in the evening. It was fast and all over the place and I loved it.

We went to see my Sis in the big city and hang out with her for most of the day. We left at 6am and got to NYC around 11 (normally we would have been there around 10, but there was weird traffic). Trip on the subway, whizzing about in a taxicab, yummy food, time with the Sis–and then right back on the road again headed for home. And I drove in New York! And we lived through it! (I’m amazed that the accident numbers aren’t tripled for that place, seriously). It was quite awesome.

Good times.



Sincerely, Taj

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